Dr. Raimund Löw
Journalist and Historian
Born in Vienna, Austria, December 18, 1951; married, two daughters
Academic Background
University of Vienna (1971-1977 Modern History and Political Science, Dr.phil.)
Universite de Lausanne (1970-1971 Modern History and Political Science)
High School in Wien-Hietzing (Austria, 1962-67) and Bern-Neufeld (Switzerland, 1976-70)
English, French, Spanish, Russian; German (mother tongue)
Professional Experience, Journalism
Columnist for the Vienna Weekly „Falter“
2015 – 2017 Asia Bureau Chief for the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF in Beijing, reporting from China, the Koreas, Japan, India, Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines; before that: 2007-2014 Bureau Chief of Austrian Radio and Television in Brussels, 2003-2007 Bureau Chief in Washington DC, since 1985 employed by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF,
2000-2003 Senior Editor, Department for Foreign Affairs, News Division,
Senior Correspondent (1997-2000), Correspondent, Foreign Policy Department Radio (1990-91, 1985-88)Coverage of international politics, interviews with Tony Blair, Gerhard Schröder, Kofi Annan
1975 – Articles and publications in numerous newspapers and magazines, e.g. Le Monde Diplomatique, profil, Wochenpresse, Washington Post, Falter, Europäische Rundschau
1991 – 1997 Bureau Chief and Correspondent Radio&TV, Washington DC, coverage of American politics, Latin America and the UN, interviews with George W.Bush,Bill Clinton, Boutros Boutros Ghali, Fernando Cardoso
1988 – 1990 Correspondent Radio&TV, Moscow, interviews with Michail Gorbatschow, Andrej Sacharow, Boris Jeltsin
Professional Experience, Academia
1978 – Lecturer at various Universities: „European Academy of Journalism“, Vienna , University of Innsbruck, University of Vienna, University of Salzburg, University of Nottingham
1980 – 1986 Historical research: Ludwig Boltzmann Institut for the History of the Labour Movement, Linz-Wien, Internationaal Institut voor Sociale Geschieden is (IISG), Amsterdam, Institut za medjunarodni radnichki pokret, Zagreb
Numerous articles and publications on different issues of international affairs, contemporary history, political science – see detailed CV in attachment. 2007 „Foreign Policy Journalist of the Year“. 2006: Die Fantasie und die Macht. 1968 und danach, Czernin-Verlag Wien. 2007: Einsame Weltmacht. Die USA im Abseits, Ecowin-Verlag Salzburg . 2014: Europas Drahtzieher/Europas Strippenzieher, Wer in Brüssel wirklich regiert (gem.mit Cerstin Gammelin), Econ Berlin 2014. 2018: Weltmacht China (gem.mit Kerstin Witt-Löw), 2022: Welt in Bewegung. Warum das 21.Jahrhundert so gefährlich geworden ist.